Gmail附加图片: 使用教程、常见问题和详细资料

1. 介绍


2. 使用教程


  • 打开Gmail并点击“撰写”按钮来开始新邮件。
  • 在邮件撰写框中找到工具栏,可以看到一个图片图标。
  • 点击图片图标,选择要附加的图片文件并点击“打开”。
  • 图片将会被嵌入到邮件中,您可以调整大小和布局。



3. 常见问题



  • 确保您的网络连接正常,重新加载Gmail页面。
  • 检查您的浏览器是否有广告拦截插件,可能会影响图片的加载。
  • 尝试清除浏览器缓存和cookie,然后重新登录Gmail。



  • 邮件服务提供商可能会拦截外部图片以保护隐私和安全。
  • 建议将图片上传到网上,然后在邮件中插入图片的URL链接。

4. 详细资料



How do I attach a picture in Gmail?

To attach a picture in Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Open Gmail and click on the “Compose” button to start a new email.
  2. In the email compose box, find the toolbar where you will see an image icon.
  3. Click on the image icon, select the picture file you want to attach, and click “Open”.
  4. The picture will be embedded in the email, and you can adjust the size and layout.

Why can’t I attach pictures in Gmail?

If you are unable to attach pictures in Gmail, try the following solutions:

  • Make sure your internet connection is stable and reload the Gmail page.
  • Check if your browser has any ad-blocking plugins that may affect the loading of pictures.
  • Try clearing your browser cache and cookies, then log back into Gmail.

How do I ensure that attached pictures display correctly for the recipient in Gmail?

If the attached pictures are not displaying correctly for the recipient in Gmail, it could be due to:

  • Email service providers may block external images for privacy and security reasons.
  • It is recommended to upload the pictures online and then insert the URL link of the picture in the email.