



  • 步骤1: 登录您的邮件账户
  • 步骤2: 点击“撰写邮件”
  • 步骤3: 在收件人处输入对方的gmail邮箱
  • 步骤4: 编写邮件内容
  • 步骤5: 点击“发送”按钮




  • 为什么我的邮件无法发送至gmail邮箱?

    • 可能是网络问题导致,可以尝试更换网络环境后重新发送。
  • gmail邮箱会自动将国内邮件当作垃圾邮件处理吗?

    • gmail有时会将未知寄件人的邮件归类为垃圾邮件,请确保邮件内容合规并尝试联系收件人将您加入白名单。
  • 如何确认邮件是否成功发送至gmail邮箱?

    • 您可以查看发件箱中的邮件记录,如果显示发送成功,则对方应能够收到邮件。


Can I send emails from China to Gmail?

Yes, you can send emails from China to Gmail. However, sometimes emails from unknown senders or suspicious content may be marked as spam by Gmail. Make sure your email content is appropriate and try to contact the recipient to whitelist you if necessary.

Why are my emails not being delivered to Gmail?

There could be various reasons why your emails are not being delivered to Gmail. It could be due to network issues, incorrect email address, or the emails being marked as spam. Check your internet connection, verify the recipient’s email address, and ensure your email content complies with Gmail’s policies.

How can I know if my email was successfully sent to a Gmail account?

You can check the sent items in your email account to see the record of the sent email. If it shows that the email was sent successfully, the recipient should receive the email in their Gmail inbox.
