- 在Gmail主页点击“撰写”按钮
- 输入收件人邮箱地址
- 填写邮件主题和正文内容
- 点击“发送”按钮
- 确保填写正确的收件人邮箱地址
- 注意邮件主题的简洁明了
- 谨慎抄送和密送
- 确认附件大小不超过上限
- 进入Gmail主页
- 点击左侧导航栏中的“已发送邮件”文件夹
- 在其中查找需要的已发送邮件
- 发送后出现的“撤回”选项可以在一定时间内撤回邮件
- 点击“撤回”后邮件将无法继续发送
- 检查网络连接是否正常
- 确保附件大小合适
- 可能是对方邮箱地址错误或邮箱已满
How do I send an email in Gmail?
To send an email in Gmail, follow these steps:
- Go to the Gmail homepage and click on the ‘Compose’ button.
- Enter the recipient’s email address.
- Fill in the email subject and body content.
- Click the ‘Send’ button.
Can I schedule an email to be sent later in Gmail?
Yes, Gmail allows you to schedule emails to be sent at a later time. When composing an email, click the arrow next to the ‘Send’ button and select ‘Schedule send’ to choose a date and time.
How do I know if my email has been read in Gmail?
Gmail does not have a built-in read receipt feature. However, you can use third-party extensions or services to track if your email has been opened by the recipient.
How do I attach a file to an email in Gmail?
When composing an email, click on the paperclip icon to attach a file. You can then select the file from your device to attach it to the email.
Can I recall an email that I have already sent in Gmail?
Gmail allows you to recall an email within a certain time frame after sending it. After sending the email, an option to ‘Undo’ will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to recall the email.