


  • 如何修改Gmail密码?
    • 登录Gmail账户。
    • 点击右上角头像,选择“Google账户”。
    • 在“登录与安全”部分,选择“登录方式”下的“登录密码”。
    • 输入当前密码进行验证。
    • 设置新密码并确认保存即可。


  • 如何修改Gmail邮箱地址?
    • 登录Gmail账户。
    • 点击右上角头像,选择“Google账户”。
    • 在“个人资料和隐私设置”部分,选择“您的个人资料”。
    • 在“个人信息”一栏中,点击“联系方式”部分的“邮箱”。
    • 添加新的备用邮箱地址,并进行验证,最后设置为默认邮箱地址。


  • 如何修改其他个人信息?
    • 登录Gmail账户。
    • 点击右上角头像,选择“Google账户”。
    • 在相应部分如“个人信息”、“数据和个人化”等,可以修改姓名、生日、电话号码等个人信息。


  • 如何更改隐私设置?
    • 登录Gmail账户。
    • 点击右上角头像,选择“Google账户”。
    • 在“个人资料和隐私设置”部分,可以调整隐私设置,包括信息分享范围、广告个性化等。


  • 修改重要信息时,务必谨慎操作,防止账户被盗。
  • 定期更改密码,保障账户安全。

People also ask

How do I change my password on Gmail?

To change your password on Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the top right and select ‘Google Account.’
  3. Under ‘Security,’ select ‘Signing in to Google.’
  4. Enter your current password for verification.
  5. Set a new password and save the changes.

Can I change my Gmail address?

Yes, you can change your Gmail address by following these steps:

  1. Login to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the top right and select ‘Google Account.’
  3. Under ‘Personal info & privacy,’ select ‘Your personal info.’
  4. Click on ‘Email’ in the ‘Contact info’ section.
  5. Add a new alternate email address, verify it, and set it as the default email address.

How do I update my personal information on Gmail?

To update your personal information on Gmail, do the following:

  1. Login to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the top right and select ‘Google Account.’
  3. In sections like ‘Personal info’ or ‘Data & personalization,’ you can modify details like name, birthday, phone number, etc.

How can I adjust my privacy settings on Gmail?

To adjust privacy settings on Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on your profile picture at the top right and select ‘Google Account.’
  3. Under ‘Personal info & privacy,’ you can manage privacy settings like information sharing and personalized ads.